Thursday, August 21, 2008


So, I've spent a lot of time lately thinking about Iris' birth mother. What it must have been like for her to carry a baby that she knew she may not be able to keep; to go through the birthing process only to find out that this baby, that she loved and cared for, couldn't stay with her. And to then have to pass her baby on to people that she didn't know with the hopes that they would take care of her and give her a good life. What a heartbreaking thing to have to do. To me, it's absolutely unimaginable to be faced with a choice like she had to make. Not that she had much choice.

Many people have been saying to us that Iris is very lucky to be joining our family. I don't see it that way. I see it as Dean, Amelia and I being the lucky ones because we get to have Iris in our family. We are so blessed and we have so much to be thankful for. I wish I could let Iris' birth mom know how honoured we are that we get to have Iris in our life. I wish I could let her know that we will give Iris everything she could ever want (ok, maybe not that extra cookie, or a pony, but you know what I mean). I wish I could let Iris' birth mom know how grateful we are, that she choose to take such good care of Iris for 9 months and then made sure that when Iris was born she was placed into the hands of someone who would take care of her. Mostly, I wish I could let her know that Iris will be loved and that she will always know how special her birth mom is and how much she sacrificed for Iris.

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